Sunday, April 02, 2006


Urtica, art and media research group
Social Engine, 2004-2006

The project Social Engine explores how the cultural patterns spread. It is produced as an online database of memes, units of cultural behaviourally transmissible information, which are passed on to other people by imitation (Richard Dawkins). Since memes are not coded as universal codes, they are subjected to constant variations, i.e. modalities of expression of different users. In this case, meme vehicles are textual and visual entities that possess strong emotional charge and high inter-subjective value (e.g. catch-phrases and flags)°...more

On the occasion of the project Inquiry into Reality: Disappearance of Public Space realisation, a newspaper article and ad have been published in Danas, Belgrade, April 5th, 2006.

Social Engine, 2004-2006
Installation view
The Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, April 2006

Social Engine, 2004-2006
Installation view

Social Engine, 2004-2006
Installation view

Social Engine, 2004-2006
Installation view

°text is pasted from the web-site